
Pride of Place Leeds: LGBTQ+ Engagement for Housing in West Yorkshire

Written by Zencity | Sep 19, 2023 2:13:35 PM


Pride of Place Leeds (formerly Project Freedom) launched their Zencity Engage (formerly Civil Space) engagement at the start of 2021, with the aim of better understanding the need and requirements of a multi-generational housing plan that would provide an affirmative living space for LGBTQ+ people in Leeds (Pride of Place Living).

In the sections that follow, Pride of Place Leeds have provided an in-depth review and testimonial to their experience using Zencity Engage to connect with their community and develop a deeper understanding for the multi-generational housing plan.

Pride of Place Leeds: Testimonial

We needed to reach out to as many different people as possible from across the diverse LGBTQ+ communities in West Yorkshire, UK.

Using Zencity Engage allowed us to do this because the platform was engaging and simple to use for both ourselves and our respondents. We easily embedded quotes, images and videos to make our engagement visually appealing. We built the survey swiftly and easily, using the broad range of available question styles, which allowed us to capture sophisticated qualitative and quantitative data from just under 500 respondents. None of these respondents reported a user problem over the six weeks that our engagement was publicly available. The customer service team was moreover incredibly responsive and helpful during the building of the survey. All queries were answered in detail within 24 hours.

Pride of Place Leeds case study image

Moving Forward

Using Zencity Engage allowed us to do this because the platform was engaging and simple to use for both ourselves and our respondents. We easily embedded quotes, images and videos to make our engagement visually appealing. We built the survey swiftly and easily, using the broad range of available question styles, which allowed us to capture sophisticated qualitative and quantitative data from just under 500 respondents. None of these respondents reported a user problem over the six weeks that our engagement was publicly available. The customer service team was moreover incredibly responsive and helpful during the building of the survey. All queries were answered in detail within 24 hours.


450+ Over 450 participants joined the engagement
95% With 95% of participants identifying as non-heterosexual

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