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Engaging Communities for Economic Growth: Insights for Annual Planning

Driving Economic Growth Through Strategic Annual Planning with Zencity

  • 5 min read
Nantucket Harbor
Case studies

Improving Nantucket's Transportation Program with resident feedback

  • 5 min read
Washoe County's Shift to Data-Driven Community Engagement
Case studies

Adapting for Impact: The Evolution of Community Engagement in Washoe County

  • 4 min read
Guides and reports

Best Practices Report: Budgeting and Community Engagement

  • 11 min read
Strengthening Community Bonds: The Comprehensive Trust Solution for Public Safety Agencies
Guides and reports

The Comprehensive Trust Solution for Public Safety Agencies

  • 12 min read
Case studies

How Kent County, MI, used Zencity to Assess Threat to County Buildings and Plan its Security Strategy Saving over $500K

  • 7 min read
How Normal, IL, Gathered Community-Wide Feedback on ARPA Funding Allocations Using Zencity
Case studies

Normal, IL Gathers Feedback on ARPA Funds with Zencity

  • 5 min read
Case studies

How Chattanooga, TN Planned their Budget with Resident Feedback

  • 4 min read
How Seguin, TX, Used Zencity to Make a Difficult Decision About Stormwater Infrastructure and Obtain City Council Approval
Case studies

How Seguin, TX, Used Zencity to Make a Difficult Decision About Stormwater Infrastructure and Obtain City Council Approval

  • 5 min read
How Decatur, IL, Incorporated Temperature Check Surveys into its CARES Act Funding Allocation and Work with City Council
Case studies

Decatur, IL Uses CARES Act for Temperature Check Surveys & Council Work

  • 8 min read
Bettendorf's Use of Zencity AI During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Case studies

How the City of Bettendorf Used AI to Save Resources and Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • 3 min read
Decatur PD's Strategic Resource Reallocation with Zencity's Blockwise

Uncovering resident priorities and addressing them head on: How Decatur PD Utilized a Blockwise Survey to Reallocate Resources to streets and traffic control

  • 5 min read
 Innovative Strategies from UK Local Authorities

National issues on a local scale: tackling the cost of living crisis 

  • 6 min read
Highlights from the State of the Cities Report 2023 by NLC

Highlights from the State of the Cities Report 2023 by NLC

  • 3 min read

Three Takeaways from Beyond the Beltway Conference from a self-proclaimed GovTech geek

  • 5 min read

Reflections from the MCCA Winter Meeting

  • 2 min read

Community Engagement for City Budgeting

  • 9 min read
Using Resident Feedback for Budget Decisions

Using Resident Feedback to Inform Budget and Funding Decisions During COVID-19

  • 2 min read
Modi’in’s Strategic Use of Zencity for Public Park Budgeting and Planning
Case studies

How the City of Modi'in Tracked the Performance of a Public Space and Planned Ahead Using Zencity

  • 7 min read